Let God Make All Things New

St. Thomas’ Women’s Retreat

February 3-5, 2023 at Pendle Hill Retreat Center

Each season of our lives, whether something is beginning or something is ending, whether we are feeling joy or grief, is an opportunity to let God make all things new. Each season provides a variety of gifts that we can activate in our own lives, equipping us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.

Our retreat leader will be the Rev. Robyn Szoke-Coolidge.  Robyn has spent the last 28 years working in the field of Christian Education for all ages.  She served on the Diocesan Staff in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and on the staff of The Episcopal Church Center in NY City.  Robyn recently retired as the Dean of the Stevenson School for Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania.

We will not be offering a Saturday-only option as we have in the past, but we will be having a separate Saturday-only retreat at St. Thomas’ after Easter.  Stay tuned for more information about the spring retreat!

The weekend price is $325; but register before October 31, 2022 and pay the “early bird” price of $300.

Registration deadline is December 9, 2022.  Refunds available before the registration deadline. Full and partial scholarships are available.  Contact Rev. Lorna Williams to apply for a scholarship (lwilliams@stthomaswhitemarsh.org or 215-233-3970 ext. 124).