Commissions & Ministries
Community Involvement
Looking To Get Involved in Service to Others in the Church and Community?
We would love to have your support for the ministries at St. Thomas! Fill out the form linked below indicating ministries you are interested in. We need volunteers that can help one time or many times, flexible time or onsite, any stage of life. Minister in St Thomas’ light: Here for God, Here for Good.
In addition to opportunities listed under the commissions to the right, other ongoing volunteer opportunities include:
Office Help – help with special mailings and projects, answer phones when a shift is needed
Event help – help plan one of our many events or just help the day of. See event calendar for upcoming events. Some examples are Lenten Supper Series, Pancake Supper, Bingo Night.
Photographer – interested in covering one of our events to help tell our story through pictures?
The mission of the Adult Spiritual Formation Ministry is to foster spiritual and personal growth through Christian study and fellowship. We seek to support the continuing and well-rounded spiritual education of adults through offerings that include midweek study groups, Sunday forums, retreats, and conferences.
We always have many opportunities for volunteers including at-home work, one-time assistance, event help and chairs, and formation planning.
Contact: Wendy Bailey
The Worship Commission consists of members of the clergy, the Minister of Music, the vergers, and lay leaders of the individual worship ministries (Acolytes, Altar Guild, Chalice Bearers, Flower Guild, Greeters, Lay Readers, and Ushers). Quarterly meetings review past services and plan for upcoming ones. We work together to create, plan, and implement beautiful and meaningful liturgy for the St. Thomas community and all who enter doors on a Sunday morning or for a special service.
Volunteer opportunities (with provided training) include:
Greeter – welcome people to the church and help visitors find their way
Reader – lead the reading or Prayers of the People at Sunday 8am or 10am service
Usher – help people during worship, take the offering, help with communion flow
Acolyte – carry the Cross in Sunday procession and assist clergy during service
Helper with Children’s Chapel – help guide children during the once a month chapel during the 10am sermon
Altar Guild member - prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterward
Eucharistic Visitor - a lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to ill or infirm parish members unable to be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist
Flower Guild - flower arrangements for regular and special services and evenfs
Contact: Lorna Williams
We seek to support the continuing and well-rounded spiritual education of children and youth through age-appropriate Sunday school lessons, participation in intergenerational forums and events, and establishing spiritual mentors through teachers and confirmation mentors. Confirmation is offered for rising 8th graders and up. All volunteers have background clearances and Safe Church training.
Volunteers are always welcome:
Sunday School Leader - help with Godly Play or Youth Formation
Youth Leader – help plan an event for Youth Group or service projects
Contact: Rev. Lorna Williams
St. Thomas church is situated on a 42 acre campus in Whitemarsh. The Building and Hardscapes Commission ensures the high quality care and maintenance of our buildings, hardscapes, and landscaping as we seek to be good stewards of our resources.
Contact: Rick Ward
The Cemetery Commission oversees the care and preservation of St. Thomas' historic cemetery.
Contact: Bill Potts
The St. Thomas Endowment Commission is charged with ensuring the proper investment and proper handling of funds given to the St. Thomas’ Endowment. In addition, we recommend endowment draw rates to the vestry each year. The Endowment Commission seeks to prudently manage the endowment assets for use for both current and future generations.
Contact: Bill Lutz
The Finance Committee works in partnership with the Stewardship Commission, Endowment Commission, and program ministry leadership to support the life of St. Thomas within the congregation and throughout the community. This group of dedicated members seek to align the church’s call to ministry with its financial resources.
Contact: Lisa Pacheco
We are dedicated in preserving the past for our future. Efforts continue to safeguard the history of our church since its founding in 1698. We meet on a regular basis to discuss ways to digitize, publicize, archive and research our history.
Contact: Julie Lawson
The St. Thomas Landscape Commission is committed to designing and maintaining our picturesque campus. The “holy hill” is home to the church as well as a natural resource to the wider community. Each season has its own special beauty on our 42 acre campus.
Landscape Help – help weed, water plants; Spring & Fall clean up help
Contact: Kay Sheldon
As a Christian community, we are summoned to respond to the needs of others. The Pastoral Care Commission serves as the vehicle for all to minister to one another, offering comfort and refreshment in times of joy, sorrow, trial, transitions, or other need. Caring for one another is a discreet, vital, and dynamic part of the life of St. Thomas Church.
Contact: Amy Roak
The Outreach Commission provides opportunities for members and friends to make vital contributions to helping others who are in need. We also provide financial funding to ministry partners who are building brighter futures through transformative, inclusive, hands-on, sustainable programs.
Helper at the Barn – preparing for Second Saturday Sales during the week, or selling or helping out the day of the sale
Knitter of prayer shawls and blankets
Deliver flowers to homebound, sick
Stephen Minister - lay members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life
Contact: Kathleen Schneer
Communicating with our Parish and larger community helps to bond us together and make sure everyone is informed with Parish life and happenings. Capturing photos of church events, writing articles for the Parish Call, helping with marketing events or with the database/mailings are some of the ways to assist with communications.
Being part of a church community is a gift. We are committed to providing thoughtful entry points into the life of the congregation and walking with you in your journey. We also provide for parish-wide meals, special events, holiday celebrations and weekly Coffee Forums.
Adult Forum Coffee Hour Host – supply the food for our Sunday forum refreshments
Contact: Pam Serra
Stewardship is a way to show our love for Christ and others. The Stewardship commission partners with the church leadership to raise funds for the future of St. Thomas and connects parishioners to the practice of giving to God's work through St. Thomas.
Contact: Sally Williams