Regular and generous giving honors God, strengthens community, and empowers ministry.

Engage in Ministries

Support St. Thomas by giving your time and energy. Our Ministries offer volunteer opportunities for members in every stage of life to deepen their faith and serve God through their fellow parishioners and community involvement.

Faith-Filled Stewardship

St. Thomas’ programs, forums, outreach efforts, community events. and ministry of our 42-acre campus are possible through your donations.

Stock Gifts

Wiring Instructions: PNC Bank – DTC #2616

Reference account: 21350011089465, St Thomas Donor Account

Please contact the church office (215) 233-3970 to notify Michele Foley, Finance Manager, of your stock transfer.  PNC does not include any identifying information with the stock gifts so it is essential that you contact the office to make the church aware of your gift. Thank you.