325th Anniversary Barn Sale!
Special events, bake sale, music in addition to the Second Saturday Barn Sale. Come one! Come all!

Labyrinth and Loss Walk
October 15th, 2022 at 5:30pm
This event will be rain or shine
RSVP: robinlentzworgan@gmail.com

Outreach Chicken BBQ
Our Outreach ministry seeks to make vital contributions to vulnerable populations and communities in need through volunteering and providing funding for our ministry partners. You can support this ministry by purchasing a chicken bbq dinner.
Pick up 1-5pm.
Order online by clicking the button below! Place your orders by September 30 to guarantee your meal.
Each Meal Includes
1/2 Chicken
Cole Slaw
Baked beans
Brownie or Blondie

Newcomers Gathering
If you are a newcomer to St. Thomas' in the past few years, please join Rev. Emily and her husband Daniel for refreshments and conversation in The Cottage.
RSVP to lumandaniel@yahoo.com

Coffee with Clergy
Sunday, September 18 at 9 AM in Thayer Lounge
Join Rev. Emily & Rev. Lorna for this informal time of fellowship and conversation.

Welcome Back Sunday
Join us for our welcome back Sunday with backpack blessing, choir celebration, and more!

Carillon Concert
Joining at 7:00pm will be the Hillbillies of Cohesion from Huntingdon Valley. Anna Kasprzycka from Poland follows for a stunning carillon recital at dusk.
Carillon Concert
Our carillonneur, Lisa Lonie, will join Frank DellaPenna to showcase the carillon with backing tracks. This concert is in memory of Janet and Dwight Dundore.

Carillon Concert
On the bench will be carillonneur Wade FitzGerald from Bryn Mawr. Following at 8:00p will be the Montgomery County Concert Band performing on the labyrinth (rain date: July 19). This concert is in memory of Karen Lewis.

Carillon Concert
Guest performer will be Geert D’hollander from Bok Tower, Florida. Tower tours and a St. Thomas history tour follows. This concert is in memory of Pastor Bill de Heyman.

Pentecost Picnic
Join us immediately following the 10am service for a picnic in the grove!
Rain Garden Presentation
St Thomas of Whitemarsh Landscape Committee has arranged a live presentation of “Rain Gardens” by Jeffrey Fehlenberg at the MacColl Auditorium at St Thomas of Whitemarsh. This is a one-time opportunity to learn of the subject and possible solutions for our run-off problems. Jeffrey is a Master Watershed Steward with Penn State University.
All are Welcome: Parishioners, Residents of Whitemarsh, St Thomas Community Gardeners, Hobby Gardeners and Professional Landscapers.

The Barn Preview Party
The Barn Preview Party is a fun event offering a delicious dinner, and first crack at shopping at the Barn on the Friday evening before the first Second Saturday Sale. All proceeds go to support St. Thomas' Outreach missions near and far.
Three Course Dinner (vegetarian/vegan dishes available) $25 (children 12 and under free). Hope to see you there!

Mother's Day Family Service
We will hold a special service in which our children and teens will help the Rev. Emily lead the service. Three of our eagle scouts will be honored. We will give thanks and pray for our mothers. The Rev. Emily will give a homily for our kids, and they will be invited to gather with her around the altar. If your child(ren) would like to serve as a worship leader, please contact the church office. Bring your kids, grandkids neighbors and friends for this celebration. All are welcome!

Vestry Commissioning
We will formally commission our vestry members and pray for their leadership among u,. Our Senior Warden Joe Culley will serve as our guest preacher at both services and our adult forum will be a Vestry Q&A. Please join us on this morning to support our leaders and to learn about the work we’re doing on your behalf.

Earth Day Celebrations
Join us on Sunday, April 24 for a celebration of our solar farm in honor of Earth Day. We will have a special Adult Forum speaker, our own Roger Clark, to talk about the importance of the solar farm and how it is supporting the future of our community.
Additionally, we will gather after church Sunday April 24th at the community gardens - 11:30- 1:00. Please bring work gloves, a pitch fork and wheel barrow if you have them, plus your own water bottle and a snack if you need them - see you there!
Please contact Brenda Sullivan at Brsullygardens@gmail.com
for any questions - many thanks for helping make outreach summer camp a wonderful experience!

Women's Retreat
Heart and Hands: Discovering the Mary and Martha Within Us
An invitation for every woman who’s ever felt she isn’t godly enough, isn’t loving enough, isn’t doing enough …
The Gospel of Luke tells a story about Mary of Bethany and her sister Martha, who are both women of God. Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to his teaching. Martha is distracted by her household responsibilities.
Part of us is Mary – we want to spend time with our Lord.
And part of us is Martha – there’s just so much to do!
The retreat theme is based on the best-selling book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver, but reading the book is not required or expected. Come join us as we discover the Mary and Martha within us and explore ways to create balance, to serve God with heart and hands.
Our retreat leader will be the Rev. Robyn Szoke-Coolidge, who recently retired. Robyn has spent the last 27 years working in the field of Christian Education for all ages. She served on the Diocesan Staff in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and on the staff of The Episcopal Church Center in NY City. Since 2005, Robyn has served in a variety of capacities in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, most recently as the Dean of the Stevenson School for Ministry.
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 8:30am – 3pm
Location: MacColl Auditorium, St. Thomas’ Whitemarsh
Cost: $50 (includes lunch)
Registration deadline is April 9, 2022.Financial aid is available (contact the Rev. Emily Richards at erichards@stthomaswhitemarsh.org for financial aid information).

Our Little Roses Bingo
On Friday, April 22nd we are thrilled to welcome you back for our Bingo Bonanza benefitting the girls of Our Little Roses in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Doors will open at 6, Bingo will start at 7. The event takes place in MacColl Auditorium. Please join us for 10 rounds of Bingo! There will be raffle baskets and a 50/50 too. Please be sure to bring cash or check the night of the event. Also, this is a BYO event, feel free to bring all the snacks and beverages you would like!

Retreats and Rental Space
Contact Sharon Werner
(215) 233-3970 ext. 127
See our event spaces at https://www.retreattostthomas.org/event-space