We Have a Winner!

 We have a winner!  The Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) of Whitemarsh Township enthusiastically honors Saint Thomas Church Whitemarsh with their Green Recognition Award for the installation of a significant solar field on its campus. By generating emission-free energy from the sun’s rays, the solar panels reduce the Church’s carbon footprint by 36%.

St Thomas is thrilled to be the recipient of this award as it caps several years of researching, selecting, and implementing a strategy that both helps the environment AND the Church’s bottom line.

In 2019, the Church’s Finance committee made the recommendation to the Vestry to consider a solar panel installation to offset escalating utility bills.  It was approved and with the support of several generous parishioners, a Power Service and Purchase Agreement was executed.  The panels were installed and operational November 2020.   

One year later, the solar farm has delivered.  In addition to reducing the carbon footprint of St. Thomas Church by 36%, Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECS) are created and sold on the open market, generating a new income stream for the Church. 

The five-year Power Service Agreement involved an initial payment and is “book ended” by a final buyout targeted for Oct 2025. The final buyout represents a critical milestone as St. Thomas will fully own the panels and all energy produced. It will allow the Church to dramatically cut annual energy bills while continuing to receive SREC income. This reduction in annual expenses and new source of income represents a tremendous gift to the next generation at St. Thomas.

To assist with this final buyout, the Church has organized a Solar Panel Dedication effort that allows individuals to purchase and dedicate a “panel” in honor of a loved one. Dedications will be displayed on an interim poster and at the conclusion of the effort, a permanent display will be presented. For more information, please click the button below.

With the installation of the solar panel system, St Thomas has taken a significant step to support the Genesis Covenant, a national ecumenical initiative, adopted by the Episcopal Church General Convention in 2009, that challenges faith institutions to reduce their facilities’ greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent within ten years.

The recognition by the Whitemarsh EAB is a wonderful affirmation of the effort.St. Thomas is grateful for the award and to be part of Whitemarsh EAB’s story, creating environmentally sustainable futures one solution at a time!