St Thomas’, Whitemarsh Church

The main church building is the primary location for worship. While St. Thomas’ as an organization was founded in 1698, this building, constructed by John Sheaff, has only existed since 1881 and is the fourth church on our Hill. The narthex (entryway), along with the second-floor balcony seating, was not constructed until 1964. The building’s stained-glass windows were designed and constructed by different makers from various countries. Notably, none of the original windows depict saints, instead depicting Biblical stories.

A number of the windows were made in England, including one dating from 1888 entitled "Christ Instructing the Disciples," from a design by the celebrated pre-Raphaelite artist Henry Holiday. The famous Mayer studio in Munich, Germany, appears to have designed and made another window titled "Jesus Blesses the Children" in 1888. The most coveted window from an American firm, "Justification by Faith," is signed "Tiffany Studios, 1894." Other windows were commissioned from highly regarded makers in Philadelphia, including "The Son of David," designed in the 1930s by the D'Ascenzio Studios, and the three windows in the Cheston Memorial Chapel, called "Praise, Love, Faith," by the Willet Studios in the early 1960s. The Chapel also exhibits its altar cross, candelabra, and book rest as the only liturgical pieces made by renowned designer and wood sculptor Wharton Esherick.

The Rose Window for many years graced the front of the fourth church but was removed during an early 1960s renovation. It is now installed in Haas Hall, where you can view it from the labyrinth on the outside. Tradition says the window was designed by John Sheaff, who had undertaken the project of building the new church and whose family was a prominent supporter of St Thomas’ Whitemarsh. It was also dedicated to the memory of Dr. William Augustus Muhlenberg.

Some of the church’s treasures include the altar (carved of Indiana limestone), the Rood Screen, the lectern (holding a Bible on the wings of an eagle), and the baptismal fonts.

The history of the church is depicted in the book “Colonial Church to Suburban Parish: St. Thomas’, Whitemarsh.” A copy can be found in the church office.