Honduras Water Mission
For the past 19 years, a team of St. Thomas volunteers and others have worked with an organization called Agua Para el Pueblo, an NGO based out of Tegucigalpa.
We raise the funds to pay for the project, then follow the money to work alongside the villagers on implementing it. The main part of the mission is to build potable water systems in remote mountain villages which have never had clean water to drink. We also bring in medical supplies to take to clinics in need and buy school supplies to bring to the local schools in the villages we are working in.
Our Little Roses
Since 2006, St. Thomas parishioners of all ages have made annual mission trips to Our Little Roses (OLR) Home for Girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. OLR is a refuge for destitute girls living in Honduras in the midst of abject poverty, abuse, disease, hunger, and illiteracy. Our volunteers have raised funds and developed mentoring and personal relationships with the girls as they have matured emotionally and grown intellectually with the safety and security provided by OLR.
Family Promise
(formerly Inter-Faith Housing Alliance)
For many years, St. Thomas has partnered with Family Promise to provide financial support for Hope Gardens, a transitional housing program. Family Promise also has a program that serves local families with children through a network of emergency housing locations provided by churches and synagogues. This support gives the adults the time needed to work on employment, permanent housing, day care, and other living essentials.